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where you're free to be you

this is a journey into the wild, intoyourwild. if you feel called, it's time to set out.

it's an honour to be on this journey with you.

intoyourwild is...

...when you begin to wonder whether there might be more to things than meets the eye.

...when you start listening inside instead of outside.

...when you begin to remember the simple truths of your childhood.

…when you hear what your soul is telling you.

…when the ways of nature become your truth. 

intoyourwild is reconnecting.

intoyourwild is returning. to you.


becoming wild

journeying intoyourwild is about connecting with yourself. through connecting with nature. and letting what you discover form your character. your wildest, truest, most genuine character. let's go on a wild journey together and start forming. it's time.

wild thoughts:


welcome, wild folk. 
I'm Annina Louise.


intoyourwild is for you, a space where you're held, where you're supported, where you're encouraged. where you can rest and recreate for your journey into your wild. 

my own journey into my wild was rocky. writing became my solace and my saviour, words the currency of my soul. I write about life, life in the wild. in nature, in the mountains. they are my home, my inspiration. they teach me about life among humans, about standing alone, away from the herd, about staying true to myself. and they set me straight, align me when I drift off. they empower me. they fuel my fire. they show me the beauty of this world and fill me with purpose. and so I strive on, ever deeper into the wild. and, sometimes, I guide others on their wild journey. 

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